Samsung 650 Hi8 Camcorder
ca. 2000
Manufactured by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
A plastic, glass, steel, and aluminum

This votive object is an old model of a Samsung SCL 650 Hi8 Camcorder. The object has a deck for cassette tapes and is silver, black, and grey in color. The camcorder is a material representation of my past immaterial childhood memories and family history, preserved in moving images.  It shows the importance of recording or documenting certain moments that cannot be recreated in the exact same way in future. My father gave the camera to my mother before returning to Bangladesh for work, asking her to capture the precious moments of my childhood he would miss. She kept it with her often, and when my family returned a few years later, we watched the videos together. For me personally, the camera and the videos it recorded symbolize family, imperfections, friends, and responsibilities.